New pocket dictionaries on 2-day loan at HSSL

Although the Library has an extensive collection of online dictionaries, we know that some people prefer to have a print dictionary next to them while they work. To help with that, we’ve have added a number of dictionaries (see the list below) that you can take out on 2-day loan.

You’ll find the dictionaries in the course reserves room, just to the left and behind the service desk in HSSL. Check them out!

Note: If you plan on using a dictionary in an exam, please check with your instructor to see if they are permitted and if so, what kinds are allowed.


Pocket dictionaries available (HSSL Self-Serve Reference Room, 2-day reserve loan)

Allemand-Français / Français-Allemand
Anglais-Français / Français-Anglais
Chinois-Français / Français-Chinois
Espagnol-Français / Français-Espagnol
Italien-Français / Français-Italien
Japonais-Français / Français-Japonais
Latin-Français / Français-Latin
Russe-Français / Français-Russe


Chinese-English / English-Chinese
Classical Greek-English / English-Classical Greek
French-English / English-French
German-English / English-German
Greek-English / English-Greek
Italian-English / Italian-English
Japanese-English / English-Japanese
Latin-English / English-Latin
Russian-English / English-Russian
Spanish-English / English-Spanish

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