141 issues of the The Civilian : a fortnightly journal devoted to the interests of the Civil Service of Canada from March 1913 to November 1920 are now available through our library catalogue and the internet archive.
From the cataloguing notes: The postal journal, for a time numbered separately, appeared as part of the Civilian. It was “edited under the auspices of the Postal Clerks’ Association of the Dominion of Canada”. Latterly it was superseded by a column entitled “Postal notes.” Official publication of the Civil Service Federation of Canada, 1917-July 1920; of the Associated Federal Employees of Ottawa, Aug. 1920-1921. Established and edited by Frank Grierson, May 1908-Mar. 1920.

The Civilian : a fortnightly journal devoted to the interests of the Civil Service of Canada. v.7:no.6(1914:Jul.10)
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