From the cataloguing notes: Marie-Angélique Birranger was the wife of Henri Desrivières (1804-1865), the son of François Amable Desrivières (1764-1830), principal heir of James McGill. Henri Desrivières was a seigneur of Montarville and a political figure in Canada Est who represented Verchères in the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada in 1841.

Mon journal, 1850 by, Marie-Angélique Birranger dite Hay, flourished 1843-1872, author. Copy in McGill University’s Rare Books and Special Collections, Manuscript Collection. MSG 1102 1853
The diary describes social, family and economic life in Montreal and Stanbridge, Québec from 1843 to 1872. There are also many comments about the weather and the author’s health. Written in a legible but rather careless hand in black ink on ruled pages; unused pages at back of notebook have been torn out.
Read them all online:
- Book of notes, 1843.
- Mon journal, Octobre 1848.
- Mon journal, 1849.
- Mon journal, 1850.
- [Journal, 1853].
- My journal, 1855 : 12th November/55.
- [Journal, 1857-1858].
- [Journal, 1864-1865].
- Daily journal for 1869.
- Daily journal for 1872.