Water level and weather data for the Ganges River region : a collection of six records. Authored by Captain Lachaln, Major Parlby and James Kyd. 1809-1822. Rare Books & Special Collections – Blacker-Wood Manuscripts. folio GB1339 W38 1809
From the cataloguing record: Six records, largely in tabular form, sewn together into plain brown card covers with paper cover label bearing a summary of contents; provenance bookplate of Natural History Society of Montreal

Water level and weather data for the Ganges River region : a collection of six records. Authored by Captain Lachaln, Major Parlby and James Kyd. 1809-1822. Rare Books & Special Collections – Blacker-Wood Manuscripts. folio GB1339 W38 1809
- Memoir, of observations of the progressive rise of the waters of the Ganges at Ghazipore during the rainy season of 1815 / by Capt. Lachlan —
- Diary of the daily … rise & fall of the Ganges … from 1815 to 1822 both years inclusive / by Major Parlby ; with notes by Capt. Lachlan —
- Comparative view of the rise & fall of the Bhagruttu & Ganges daily … [1809-1811] –
- Rise & fall of the Baugrutty commencing 1st January 1822 / by Major Parlby —
- Tide table of January and February 1815[-November and December 1820] kept … near Calcutta / by James Kyd —
- Weather, Kedgeree, Diamond Harbour, 1819[-1820].
Other titles:
- Memoir, of observations of the progressive rise of the waters of the Ganges at Ghazipore during the rainy season of 1815 / by Capt. Lachlan —
- Diary of the daily … rise & fall of the Ganges … from 1815 to 1822 both years inclusive / by Major Parlby ; with notes by Capt. Lachlan —