Now Playing in the Marvin Duchow Music Library

From time to time, the McGill Music Library “closes” and changes its identity into a progressive performance venue. In 2011, the Music Graduate Students’ Society (MGSS) began coordinating with Library staff to present “Library After Hours” open mic events. In so doing, the MGSS aims to provide music students with the opportunity to experiment with new repertoire, collaborate with others and improvise in an informal environment.True to form, a recent “Library After Hours” event included an eclectic mix of contributions: a performance of Ferneyhough’s Bone Alphabet, an improvisation session involving electronics and a double bass duo, a presentation of several jazz standards, and more.

MGSS “Library After Hours” events are another good example of what is going on behind the scenes at the Music Library as well as an illustration of McGill Library’s motto, Everything you need — including a place to perform on a Friday night, with scores, recording equipment and an enthusiastic audience close at hand.

A more portable Chicago style guide!

Chicago Manual of Style purse

Rebound Designs

Inspired by a music citation guide prepared by Prof. Julie Cumming for past Schulich School of Music courses, Music Library staff have produced an updated guide based on the 16th edition of The Chicago Manual of Style. The most commonly consulted rules for bibliography format are summarized and models are provided for all major types of documents, with an emphasis on music resources (e.g. scores, recordings, Grove articles).

Find the guide, “Citing Music Resources Using Chicago Style (Bibliography Format),” on the Library’s website, along with other reference sources for style manuals, writing guides, and citation guides. Of course, the complete Chicago Manual of Style (online and in print) is still the essential guide to issues of complex citation as well as general writing style and manuscript preparation.

For a look at the broader issue of academic integrity, see Brian’s recent blog post on the topic.