Pamphlets published in 1832 by the New York Board of Health and the Philadelphia Sanitary Board contain interesting reports that investigated the cholera epidemic in Montreal, Quebec, and the rest of Canada.
Report of the commissioners employed to investigate the origin and nature of the epidemic cholera of Canada and Report of the Commission appointed by the Sanitary Baord of the City Councils, to visit Canada, for the investigation of the epidemic cholera, prevailing in Montreal and Quebec are available for consultation from our Rare Books and Special Collections reading room during regular opening hours or you can download the digital version from our catalogue.

Title page of “Report of the commissioners employed to investigate the origin and nature of the epidemic cholera of Canada published by order of the Board of Health July 31 1832.”

Title page of “Report of the Commission appointed by the Sanitary Board of the City Councils to visit Canada for the investigation of the epidemic cholera prevailing in Montreal and Quebec.”