Yesterday I shared the news that I had been recommended for reappointment for another 3-year term (yay!) on all three of the social networks that I actively participate in: Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
I don’t use or think of all three networks the same way:
- Facebook is my personal network: people I know or have at least met and chatted with a time or two. While I sometime share work-related information on Facebook, most of my activity there is more in the personal arena.
- Twitter is more of a professional space for microblogging content related to my work as a librarian as well as my interests in technology, organizations, education, etc, etc.
- I have to admit that Google+ is more of a placeholder. I tend to use it to share blog posts that I write (like this one) and other major events/items. But I spend far less time interacting with people in that space than in the other two.
I should also say that I probably spend the most time on Facebook, a bit less on Twitter, and far less on Google+.
Given this, the results of my posting my reappointment news are not surprising:
- Google+: 177 people have me in circles –> 1 comment
- Twitter: 536 followers –> 1 comment
- Facebook: 550 friends –> 64 likes, 8 comments
Not surprising, but still something for me to think about. At the very least, I think this not only reflects but reinforces how I have chosen to use these various networks. The people I connect with on Facebook are of course more likely to react to personal news like this. I’ve also invested more in terms of interacting with people on Facebook, so it shouldn’t be surprising that my social connections in that space are stronger. It isn’t that I couldn’t have those same social connections in Twitter or Google+. I just haven’t chosen to use those spaces in that way. And I’m ok with that.