Special Announcements

The Robert R. Reid multi-site exhibition curated by  CAUSA in association with McGill University Library (Rare Books and Special Collections) has been extended so as to complement the 61st annual conference of the non-profit ASSOCIATION TYPOGRAPHIQUE INTERNATIONALE, which is hosting ATypI Montréal 2017″  from September 12th  to 16th,  2017.

On September 15th, 2017, a special tour of the Robert R. Reid Exhibition and Touch Table Display will be made available to members of the ATypI conference.

Click here for the special events calendar.

Digital Typography and Design by Robert R. Reid


….And join us when American scholar Paul Shaw will speak from 7 to 8 pm, September 15th 2017 on W. A. Dwiggins.

Paul Shaw, who has spent nearly 40 years researching the life and work of American typographer and book designer W.A. Dwiggins (1880-1956) will discuss some of the material by and about Dwiggins housed in the William Colgate History of Printing Collection, located in Rare Books and Special Collections of the McGill University Library,4th floor of the McLennan Library Building.

We look forward to receiving members of ATypI to our library.

Exhibition: On the Wings of the Wind: The Birds of Luisella Carretta

Luisella Carretta is an Italian artist who has devoted much of her work to researching the environment, and especially to the movement of animals in their natural habitat.  She has given particular attention to the flight of birds, and her drawings and watercolours document these.  This exhibition brings together some truly striking images that Luisella Carretta has produced of birds in flight. Curated by Dr. Richard Virr.

September 5, 2017 – December 22, 2017. For opening hours, click here.

McLennan Library Building Rare Books and Special Collections, 4th floor lobby, 3459 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C9.
Vernissage: Wednesday, 6 September, 5:30 to 7:00pm in Rare Books and Special Collections, 4th floor, McLennan Library Building.