SANA is an online database that provides access to digitized periodicals published in Iran from the Qajar era- that marks the beginning of publishing newspapers, up until now.
This platform has been very recently made available publicly by National library and Archives of Iran, in accordance with free access to information and in order to provide equal access to information and knowledge for all. Also to facilitate access to valuable resources available at the National library for scholars and researches.
This platform includes lists and full text digitized periodicals, newspapers and Iranian journals from the beginning up until now in various topics such as Iran’s historical, social, political and economical situation, Persian literature, Islamic related topics; as well as publication about Tehran, Isfahan and other cities.
SANA also includes few periodicals in other languages such as German, English, French and some of them dates back to 1906. Such as :
- The Graphic
- Fun
- Le Monde Illustré
- London Calling
- Pall Mall Budget
- Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure
In this database resources are organized chronologically and then under each era periodicals are listed alphabetically. Also when available, description or information about the history of the publication has been given.
Here is the list of four different time categories of publication accessible through this platform:
( نشریات دوره قاجاریه (۱۱۹۳ – ۱۳۴۴ ق
(نشريات دوره پهلوی اول (۱۳۰۴ – ۱۳۲۰ ش
(نشريات دوره پهلوی دوم (۱۳۲۰ – ۱۳۵۷ ش
( نشریات دوره پس از انقلاب (۱۳۵۷ ش

Free registration is required in order to access the resources available at SANA platform.
To register please go this address: https://sana.nlai.ir/register
For more information about National library and Archives of Iran and its many different databases and platforms please go to this page : http://www.nlai.ir/