Open Access Statement for McGill University Library

McGill Librarians and Archivists are proud to announce the Open Access Statement for McGill University Library. The timing could not be better as libraries all over the world have closed their doors and stopped circulating their print materials in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. These closures have highlighted the need for open and online scholarly resources, now and in the future. That said, free and equitable access to publicly-funded research has always been key to building a healthy and fair society.

What are the benefits of publishing in an open access venue?

– Increased visibility, usage, and impact of your research
– More efficient dissemination compared with traditional publishing models
– Retention of some or all of your copyrights
– Contribution to societal good by providing scholarly content to a global audience
– Rigour of traditional peer-review before publication
– Ongoing feedback through social media

If you want to learn more about how McGill Librarians and Archivists have framed their commitment to open access publishing, please read the full statement here:

Feel free to contact the Library with any questions or comments about this statement:

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash