On average, a digital newspaper subscription can cost you around $1.99 CAD a week, which is about $8 CAD a month (or as high as $14 CAD in some cases), while a print newspaper subscription can cost even more. (https://moneygenius.ca/software-services/media-subscriptions).
To some, this may seem like a negligible amount, but over the time period of a year and with the automatic billing you have probably enabled on your bank account, the money drain is not so negligible. Especially if you are a broke student just looking for an extra cup of Tims or Starbucks.
But fear not, we are here to help you out! As a McGill student, you have unlimited access to various eNewspapers, eMagazines and eJournals through our library databases. One such newspaper is The Economist. McGill now gives you access to the latest publications by The Economist through a varied list of sources.

All you need to do is log in to your library account and search ‘The Economist’ and select the online option for ‘Economist via Economist Newspaper Ltd Provider’. This link will give you access to the Economist website both on and off-campus (don’t forget to the use the VPN for easy off-campus reading).

For more information or related queries email us at hssl.library@mcgill.ca.