2nd Annual CSSA Self-Care Event at McGill University Library

The McGill Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) is hosting the 2nd annual self-care event at the Redpath Library Bridge from November 27th to December 1st, 12-4pm. This event aims to provide students with various activities to promote self-care and well-being.

Event Schedule

  • Monday: Origami Animal Market – Attendees can create and take home cute cutouts of puppies.
  • Tuesday: Deep Breath Zone – A moment for self-care to take a deep breath and center oneself.
  • Wednesday: Collaborative Drawing – Join other McGill students in contributing to a drawing to create one large masterpiece.
  • Thursday: Study Break in the Innovation Commons – More details available on Olivia’s post.
  • Friday: More self-care activities – Keep an eye out on the Redpath bridge for additional activities.

The McGill Library is committed to promoting health and wellness, offering various resources and events to support students, faculty, and staff in their well-being[4]. Additionally, the library provides access to online resources for health and wellness, making it a go-to destination for those seeking reliable information in this area.

For more information about the event, you can visit the McGill Library website.

Study Breaks: Unwind With These Student Sponsored Events

As the countdown to the final exam period begins, the number of students found studying in the library is quickly increasing. Deadlines are approaching, and the stress of finals may be starting to set in amongst many.

Staying motivated, however, also requires you to take some breaks from studying from time to time. To encourage this, the McGill Library will be hosting Study Breaks. Sponsored by different clubs and associations here at McGill, Study Breaks will provide a snack and/or refreshment break for the community, allowing you to step away from your work and unwind for a bit.

Two upcoming Study Breaks will be taking place this semester, both taking place in the Innovation Commons in the McLennan-Redpath Complex.

The first, sponsored by the Chinese Students and Scholars Association, will take place from 12pm-2pm on Thursday, November 30th.

Sponsored by the Science Undergraduate Society, the second Study Break will take place from 12pm-2pm on Friday, December 1st.

Study Breaks are a great opportunity for everyone to unwind with a snack, so be sure to take full advantage of these events while you’re at the library!

Discovering “Home is Where the Heart is” a Redpath Library Book Display

Hey book lovers! If you’ve been to the Redpath Library Building recently, you might have noticed a fantastic new book display called “Home is Where the Heart is.” This display is a literary journey into the many facets of home and belonging, featuring some of the amazing titles below.

1. The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan: A poignant dive into the immigrant experience, unravelling the cultural clashes and familial bonds of Chinese-American women and their daughters.

2. Burnt Sugar by Avni Doshi: Avni Doshi’s exploration of mother-daughter dynamics weaves through the complexities of memory and identity, delivering a thought-provoking narrative.

3. I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home by David J. Cherrington: Cherrington’s honest portrayal challenges perceptions of home, offering a poignant glimpse into the lives of the homeless and inviting readers to empathize with those on the margins of society.

4. The Long Road Home by Danielle Steel:  A compelling journey through the challenges of war and separation, Danielle Steel’s narrative underscores the resilience of a family and the enduring power of love.

5. Home Is Not a Country by Safia Elhillo: Safia Elhillo prompts readers to reconsider the concept of home, exploring the intricate landscapes of identity and belonging beyond geographical boundaries.

6. Our Town by Thornton Wilder: Thornton Wilder’s timeless classic transcends its small-town setting, inviting readers to reflect on the universal aspects of human existence and the notion of home as a place where one truly belongs.

7. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott: Louisa May Alcott’s beloved classic celebrates the enduring power of sisterhood against the backdrop of the Civil War, offering a glimpse into the strength and resilience of the March sisters as they navigate the challenges of growing up.

This collection is more than just books on a shelf—it’s an invitation to reflect on what “home” really means. So, next time you’re in the Redpath Library Building, grab one of these novels and scan the QR code to explore the profound concept of home in all its rich, diverse glory. Happy reading!