PMB Online is now Vividata Target Snapshot

Vividata recently discontinued the Print Management Bureau Online database and replaced it with Target Snapshot. We now have access to this database up and running, and you can access it from this page:

Note that if you are off-campus you will need to have McGill’s VPN software installed and running.

We’ve also noticed a problem where Vividata will timeout after 20 minutes or so of use, even if you are actively using the database. Make sure you save or export data you have found as soon as you can.

Anyone familiar with PMB Online will notice that the interface has changed quite a bit. We ourselves are still in the process of trying to figure it out, to see if we can access the same data that we had access to in PMB Online. Once we’ve figured that out we’ll be publishing an FAQ as well as a video to show how to use the database.

In the meantime, we thought we would share the link with everyone for those who want to explore the database on their own.

Please send any questions, comments, or feedback to me at


If you were just trying to access some data on consumer behaviour and preferences, you might want to try our new Mintel database. Mintel includes consumer behaviour data with its industry reports, as well as a “databook” Excel spreadsheet including details of consumer surveys. Just search for the industry/product you are interested in, read the “consumer” section of the report and download the databook.

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