New School Supplies Vending Machine

If You Want It Come and Get It 

The Humanities and Social Sciences Library is proud to present their new School Supplies vending machine in the Première Moisson Redpath Cyberthèque. 

Thanks to an initiative by the SSMU’s Library Improvement Fund Committee, students and staff now have a convenient location to grab all of those last-minute essentials, like the much-needed USB charge & sync cable, a set of Post-It Notes, and even a tooth brush & paste kit. Reasonably priced, and located near the RBC bank machine, never let a missing White Out emergency get the best of you again.  



The following products are available for purchase by credit card:  

  • USB charge & sync cables 
  • Micro USB cables 
  • Lip balm 
  • Tooth brush & paste kits 
  • Scissors 
  • Micro SDHC (Lexar) 
  • Pencil sharpeners 
  • Dry erase markers 
  • Staplers 
  • Erasers 
  • Post-It Notes 
  • Condoms 
  • White Out (tape & pens) 
  • Mechanical pencils 
  • Tampons 
  • Coloured Sharpies 
  • Glue sticks 
  • Hand sanitizer 
  • Kleenex 
  • Band-aids 
  • Scotch tape 
  • DVD-R 
  • CD-R 
  • AAA batteries 
  • AA batteries 




A new SSMU touch table

Did you notice the large touch table in the Redpath Library building this past term? It’s really a giant ipad on wheels! This touch table was funded by the SSMU Library Improvement Fund and we have been having fun creating experiences to share with you.

The first was an update of all of the projects that the SSMU LIF has funded in the Library over the past two years.

The experiences are created using licensed software called IntuiFace. As its name suggests the software is very intuitive and allows us to easily create interactive displays. Our second experience showcased four resources in one:

  • a virtual whiteboard,
  • the Library’s PressReader database (daily international newspapers),
  • virtual Library floor plans,
  • feedback from you.

We have been working on the summer experience, soon to be live in the Redpath Library building once exams have finished. It will showcase summer travel videos and SSMU’s instagram feed.

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New Puzzle Table at HSSL

The next time you find yourself in need of a breather at HSSL, take a minute to pause at the new De-stress Station, a.k.a. the Puzzle Table.

Located in the passageway between the the McLennan and Redpath sections of HSSL, this new wellness initiative is brought to all HSSL users thanks to the Arts Undergraduate Society of McGill (AUS). The concept is simple: We set out a large jigsaw puzzle and it is collectively completed by passers by, who spend as little or as much time on it as they choose.

Working on a puzzle is said to draw upon both the right and left hemispheres of the brain, making it is a great way to give your grey matter the equivalent of a good, all-encompassing stretch. Also, because it is considered an active pastime, it requires a level of focus that can allow you to really unplug from studying or working. So if you’ve got a case of writer’s block, or your study group is stuck on a problem, a quick trip to the Puzzle Table just might help.The funds from the AUS have allowed for the purchase of a number of puzzles. Since 500-piece puzzles were being finished in a matter of hours, most of our collection is made up of 1000-piece puzzles at a minimum. There’s a Tetris-style wooden block puzzle as well, for something a little different.

We have a variety of styles and challenge levels, and we endeavor to keep things fun, and relevant when we can. The Puzzle Table hosted a winter scene during the snowstorm, and characters from movies and video games during reading week.
Judging by the frequency at which we are removing completed puzzles and putting out new ones, the De-Stress Station is a much appreciated new feature of HSSL. Next time you’re passing by, instead of rushing past, give yourself and your brain a different kind of workout. Spend a few minutes with the puzzle of the moment, and see if you can pick up on a theme.

Here’s our puzzle of the moment, put up on Thursday, March 15th, a small nod to Stephen Hawking’s passing the day before. It’s a tough one -come lend a hand!