Friday, June 16: Update on financial workstations at HSSL
Due to the installation of new desks on the 2nd floor of McLennan, the financial workstations in this area will be temporarily unavailable for most of June 13-15.
The following applications with be unavailable during this time: Bloomberg, Datastream, Morningstar, and SDC Platinum.
We apologize for any inconvenience this work may cause.
I should also mention that later this summer we will be moving these workstations to a new location, a room on the 3rd floor of McLennan!
This room will provide a dedicated space for people working on financial data assignments, and will allow small groups to work together without disrupting the students studying nearby.
The exact date of this move has not yet been determined, but we are hoping to limit the downtime to a single day. I’ll post an update here once we know the date.
If you have any questions or concerns about this new space, please let me know (