A fresh start for the McLennan Post!

This semester we’ve decided to relaunch the McLennan Post as the best source of information for everything that is happening in and around the Humanities and Social Sciences Library!

In addition to information on events, new services, facilities updates, and new books and electronic resources, we’re also hoping we’ll be able to use this blog to give you a sense of what it is like to work and to study at HSSL.

If you want to follow the McLennan Post, you can either bookmark the blog or add our RSS feed to your news reader.

We also encourage you to follow the McGill Library over on Facebook or Twitter where a most of our posts will be shared.

Speaking of social media: As part of our renewed focus on this blog, we’ve decided to shut down the various Facebook pages associated with our branch (HSSL, Education, and Management) and to instead have our news and other posts shared on the main McGill Library accounts. We won’t be posting any new content to these pages, and we’ll be removing them entirely on June 1, 2017.

We hope that you’ll come to find the McLennan Post both informative and interesting, and we look forward to hearing your comments and feedback!

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