Dear McGill Community & Beyond,
This past week the Library has been continuing to provide services online. We are settling into our new reality and prepared to help our users in this era of remote instruction. However, we are also human. The idea of self-isolation and working from home may sound novel at first, but soon we all begin to feel its effects.
We know a lot of you have been fatigued by mention of COVID-19 in the news. Your social media feeds are likely full of updates or memes on the topic. Even the conversations you have with your friends and family can’t seem to avoid the virus. It’s the same for us too.
That is why we got to work and prepared a little Self-Isolation Care Package. These pages are an extension of our new online Redpath Book Display, and since we can’t exactly put up books in the library right now, we figured we could at least do a little something online. As we were looking for great E-books to share with you, we started to realize maybe this page should include a little bit more. Our staff helped put together a few of our favourite things, some you will find in the McGill Library catalogue and others might just be our go-to podcasts, recipes, or Netflix binge recommendations (we highly recommend not watching Contagion for the fifth time this week).
Whatever it is, we hope that you find the same enjoyment in these things as we have. Until such time comes that we can put up another book display in the Redpath main floor hall, look for us here.
All the best & stay well,
McLennan-Redpath Library