Hashtag Summer

Summer is in full swing, which means spending less time in front of our computers (perhaps) and more time out and about. With that in mind, we have a new social media account for sharing images, and a friendly reminder that the current exhibition at the Osler Library, Knowing Blood / Sans sens, is entering its last six weeks!

Instagram_Icon_LargeOur brand new Instagram account can be found at @oslerlibrary. If you have an Instagram account, you can follow us here! Keep an eye out for images showcasing our rare and special collections, as well as other library updates and goings-on.

Use the #oslerlibrary hashtag to share your own photos too!


If you haven’t been able to see this fantastic exhibit yet, now is your chance. Click on the image for more details. The exhibit runs until the end of August. Free entry during library hours.

Applications accepted for the Osler Library Research Travel Grant

We are currently accepting applications for our research travel grant. The Osler Library Research Travel Grant is endowed through the generosity of graduates of the Class of Medicine of 1936, and is supported by the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University. It is designed to assist scholars who would like to travel to and establish temporary residence in Montreal in order to use the resources of the library.

The grant is available to historians, physicians and those interested in the arts and humanities of medical history. It carries an award of $1,500 (Canadian) and must be held from 2-4 weeks during the calendar year of 2014. $2,000 will be made available to those requiring 4 weeks to complete their research.

Applications for the 2014 grant must be received by December 31, 2013.  Candidates will be informed of the results early in 2014. Please find the application form on our website.


Nickerson Fellowship in Neuro History

Hello all! A quick reminder that we’re accepting applications for this fellowship in neuro history until March 15th. The Mary Louise Nickerson Fellowship will provide a researcher with up to 10,000$ to support research in the neuro history archival and artifact collections at the Osler Library (home of the Wilder Penfield Archive), the McGill University Archives, and the Montreal Neurological Institute. Early career scholars, graduate students, and professionals are equally encouraged to apply. More information on the website!


Osler Library news and updates

Welcome to the new Osler Library blog. Our goal is to provide you with a new way of receiving news and updates of goings-on at Osler, news in the world of history of medicine and medical humanities, and tips and tricks for researchers and students in related fields here at McGill.