Carter, Neil. Medicine, sport, and the body: a historical perspective. London; New York : Bloomsbury, 2012.
This book provides a history of the relationship between sport, medicine and health from the mid-19th century to today. It combines the sub-disciplines of the history of medicine and the history of sport to give a balanced analysis of the role of medicine in sport and how this has evolved over the past two centuries.
Harrison, Mark. Contagion : how commerce has spread disease. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012.
Find a review from Times Higher Education here.
Jacques, Jouanna. Greek medicine from Hippocrates to Galen : selected papers. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2012.
A selection of Professor Jouanna’s papers on Greco-Roman and late antique medicine in English translation.
Leonardo da Vinci, anatomist. [London] : Royal Collection Publications, 2012.
See a write-up about this book on fantastic culture, ideas, and ”interestingness” blog Brain Pickings (with pictures!)
Lessard, Renald. Au temps de la petite verole : la medecine au Canada aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Québec : Septentrion, [2012].
Listen to an interview with the author from Radio Canada.
Ross, John J. Shakespeare’s tremor and Orwell’s cough : the medical lives of great writers. New York : St. Martin’s Press, 2012.
Did writing 1984 kill George Orwell. Physician John Ross investigates (and the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases reviews – [McGill users]).
Wise, Sarah. Inconvenient people : lunacy, liberty, and the mad-doctors in Victorian England. London : Bodley Head, 2012.
Find a review from the UK’s The Guardian here.