Want to learn about all the exciting research that McGill students in engineering are doing on sustainability topics? Tomorrow, attend the Sustainability Changemakers Showcase, an event at the Faculty Club highlighting graduate student research on sustainability. It is being hosted by TISED, the Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design, where researchers and students are working to become a hub of green innovation and a centre of excellence both locally in Montréal, Québec and worldwide. The event is open to the public. To register and learn more about the speakers, please consult the registration page . To get a sneak preview of the speakers in action, you can check out brief talks they gave on their research last December.
If you’re interested in joining these researchers in designing the green solutions to engineering problems that our world needs, TISED is now accepting admissions to their new masters in Sustainability in Engineering and Design program. The deadline for fall has been extended until Apr. 1 for US candidates and June 21 for Canadian ones.
Attend tomorrow’s talks and learn all about what TISED graduate student work looks like in action!