You may have seen boxes on multiple floors in the Schulich Library of Science & Engineering. The reason behind this is that the books and journals from the Life Sciences Library are moving into Schulich.
To make space for this collection, extremely low use materials in the physical sciences and engineering are being shipped to the library’s storage facility at the Currie Gym. It will be possible to retrieve these items on an “on demand” basis later on in the semester.
Books and journals from the Life Sciences Library are arriving on a daily basis, and are being unpacked and shelved as soon as possible. To check whether a book or journal from the Life Sciences Library is available on the shelf to be borrowed, please visit our “Collections: Relocation Update.” This page is also accessible under the “Happening now!” heading on the right-hand side of the library’s homepage. Please note that Life Sciences course reserve materials are available at the Life Sciences Library to borrow.