Mtre Daniel Boyer’s work over the past two decades as Wainwright Librarian at the Gelber Law Library, McGill University and beyond has been once again recently underscored: in its most recent elections this July, the International Academy of Comparative Law elected him an “Associate Member”.
Led by Daniel Boyer, the Gelber Law Library’s Comparative Law holdings have supported and grown in tandem with the development the Law Faculty’s innovative transsystemic teaching programme at McGill University. In bestowing the Advocatus Emeritus (Ad.E.) honour to Daniel Boyer in 2018, the Barreau of Québec noted “[…] à la barre de la Bibliothèque Nahum Gelber depuis 2009, il en fait un modèle parmi les bibliothèques de droit comparé du monde.” In addition to his publications and conference presentations on Comparative Law, he has advised numerous law libraries, notably in France, Sweden and Switzerland, and has lectured extensively in Vietnam with the late Professor H. Patrick Glenn. In recognition of his service with the International Association of Law Libraries (I.A.L.L.), he was elected “Honoured Member” of the association in 2019. He currently is a Full member of the Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative Law, and is working on comparative citations protocols.
Daniel Boyer’s interest for Comparative Law is long-standing. During his articles, he published a comparative study on the role of taxing officers in Common Law jurisdictions at the behest of the Barreau du Québec and, shortly afterwards, studied in England with the noted comparatist Professor Clive Schmitthoff. He was subsequently awarded a van Calker Fellowship by the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law.
Based in Paris, the International Academy of Comparative Law was founded at The Hague on 13 September 1924. The International Academy of Comparative Law brings together jurists from all over the globe. In addition, it undertakes the universal diffusion of publications which take into consideration all legal orders and all legal systems. The International Academy of Comparative Law is a body of legal scholars that primarily aims, according to article two of its Statutes, at “the comparative study of legal systems.” It currently has more than seven hundred members across the world.
Daniel Boyer elected Associate Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law