I was browsing through the latest issue of Science and poking around its website when I discovered a video about the Science Hall of Fame. This hall of fame lists approximately 4,000 scientists whose names have appeared the most frequently in books over the centuries.
- Bertrand Russell
- Charles Darwin
- Albert Einstein
- Lewis Carroll
- Claude Bernard
- Oliver Lodge
- Julian Huxley
- Karl Pearson
- Niels Bohr
- Alexander Graham Bell
According to John Bohannon, one of the creators of the Science Hall of Fame, the data used to compile the list provides a few unexpected career tips for individuals who wish to be famous among the popular masses. One of these tips is to write a best-selling book. Read Bohannon’s article for all the details.
Image from Meeg-el
Where are all the lady scientists?? Marie Curie anyone? Sheesh.
Okay, well in fairness, Marie Curie is listed as #17