ESRI’s Story Maps Gallery and its Geography of Horror Exhibition

Are you a fun of scary filHalloweenms? Visit ESRI’s Geography of Horror map exhibition and find out the scariest places in the world where popular horror movies in the past half century took place.

Actually this exhibition is just one example of the ESRI’s story maps gallery which collects stories worldwide on a variety of topics using maps, text and other media.

Image courtesy to ESRI


Geography Awareness Week and GIS Day

This week (November 17-23) is the Geography Awareness Week, also called GeoWeek. National Geographic’s Education Section created a website to celebrate this event. The theme of this year is “how geography enables us all to be intrepid explorers in our own way”.  The resources created for the previous Geography Awareness Week events are archived online.  You may explore this rich educational collection by a search or use a combination of filters provided on the webpage.

Wednesday, Nov.20 is the GIS Day. Worldwide GIS day events can be found at this map. At McGill University, Geographic Information Center (GIC) will also have a series of celebration events, including presentations and a poster competition.

2013 Faculty of Science Undergraduate Research Conference

urc2013-announcementTime: Thursday, October 10, 2013

11:00 AM – Poster competition – start of public viewing and adjudication
4:00 PM – Prize ceremony, followed immediately by keynote address
After lecture – reception

Location: Arts Building Lobby, 853 rue Sherbrooke

Science students present their research projects. Come check out their posters and talk with the scientists of tomorrow!

Keynote speaker: Dr. John Smol (F.R.S.C., B.Sc. ’77), “Advice to Young Scientists on Thriving in a Complex World”

Everyone is welcome, though seats for Dr Smol’s talk are limited.

Details: please refer to the Undergraduate Research Conference website.

Finding E-books

Have you ever wondered how to find a book that you can read instantly from anywhere at any time? This is possible if you use an e-book (short version for electronic books).  McGill Libraries have millions of e-books in collection. They are available from various platforms with different features. Below are two upcoming workshops that you can attend and discover the secret. You may be able to find an electronic copy for your textbooks or a title for your research.

Discovering E-books on Computing and Information Technology

Date and time: September 20, 2013 from 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Location: room 313, Schulich Library of Science and Engineering

Discovering E-books on Engineering Topics

Date and time: September 25, 2013 from 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Location: Room 5 (next to the McGill Engineering Student Centre), Frank Dawson Adams Building

Laptop use in a class

Michael ReinhardLaptops have been widely used in classes as a note-taking tool. However, a recent study shows that using laptops in a class not only lowers students’ grades but also has a negative impact on their classmates’ marks due to the distraction from computer screens around. Read the full story here and decide if you should use pen and paper instead.

Image from CBC

SURE and SURE Poster Presentation Fair

McGill Engineering Faculty has a special program, called Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering, which pairs registered students with McGill scientists and researchers. The admitted students will have a chance to work on a research project under a supervisor during the summer and get a feeling of “research” while earning some income. Click here to learn more about this program.

On Thursday, August 15, 2013 between 1 and 4pm, there will be this year’s SURE Poster Presentation Fair in the Trottier Engineering Building (Cafeteria level) where the students will present their findings from their projects.

“Maptember” in the UK

The United Kingdom will hold a month of map and GIS related conferences in September:

Society of Cartographers Conference 2013 in Stoke-on-Trent (2nd to 4th Maptember)

Conference on Spatial Information Theory 2013 in Scarborough (2nd to 6th Maptember)

British Cartographic Society Mapping 2013 Symposium in Leicestershire (3rd to 5th Maptember)

Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society 2013 Conference in Glasgow (4th to 6th Maptember)

State of the Map 2013 in Birmingham (6th to 8th Maptember)

European Planetary Science Congress 2013 in London (8th to 13th Maptember)

OpenStreetMap Professional Large User Summit in Birmingham (9th Maptember)

The Second Joint FIG/IAG/ISPRS Symposium on Deformation Monitoring in Nottingham (9th to 11th Maptember)

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team House Hack Week (9th to 13th Maptember)

QGIS-Dev Meeting in Brighton (12th to 16th Maptember)

Association for Geographic Information (AGI)’s Annual Conference, AGI’s GeoCommunity ’13 in Nottingham (16th to 18th Maptember)

GEOMED 2013 in Sheffield (16th to 18th Maptember)

FOSS4G 2013 in Nottingham (17th to 21st Maptember)


OpenupEd – the European MOOCs portal

OpenupedA European portal of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) was recently launched at  It offers online courses, free of charge, in different languages from partner universities in Europe. The subjects cover from learning skills, management, climate change to mathematics. If you are interested in how a topic is taught in Europe or something outside of your curriculum , take a course at this website. Other major MOOCs providers include Coursera, Udacity, edX.