New Oxford Collections

As of this term, the Law Library provides the access to two newly purchased Oxford collections:

  • Oxford Handbooks for Law Online brings together the world’s leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the future direction of the debate. The Oxford Handbooks are one of the most successful and cited series within scholarly publishing, containing in-depth, high-level articles by scholars at the top of their field.
  •  Oxford Historical Treaties  (OHT) is the premier resource for historical treaty research and home to the full text of The Consolidated Treaty Series, the only comprehensive collection of treaties of all nations concluded from 1648 through 1919. Available via the Oxford Public International Law platform, OHT is cross-searchable with Oxford’s leading public international law resources and benefits from a modern, intuitive interface and sophisticated functionality

New Databases

As of this January, the Law Library provides the access to four newly purchased HeinOnline collections:

Canadian and Australian Acts of the Parliament & Revised Statutes of Canada (PDFs)

With HeinOnline’s Canadian Acts of the Parliament digital collection, you can now access all historical and current Acts of the Parliaments of Canada in online fully-searchable PDF format. The collection includes Acts of the Parliament of Canada (SC) 1792-2012 (annual statutes), as well as all the Revised Statutes of Canada (RSC), from the first revision in 1896 to the last in 1985. Our subscription also includes Acts of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901-2012. We feel that the law journals’ editors will particularly welcome the acquisition of this collection.

 Israel Law Reports

This collection includes the complete run of the Israel Law Reports which provides access to more than 220 cases. Cumulative tables are provided for reference to other volumes in the collection, as well as to select cases for specified time periods. Also, a “Table of Cases Published in English Translation” lists in alphabetical order all cases that have been translated into English and appear in the Selected Judgments of the Supreme Court of Israel Series and in the present Israel Law Reports Series. The collection also includes access to the Israel Law Review, Volumes 1-42 (1966-2009).

Scottish Legal History: Featuring Publications of the Stair Society

This collection includes the Stair Society Main (Annual) Series consisting of 53 volumes (1936-present), vols. 1-3 of the Stair Society Supplementary Series, as well as books, abridgments and links to scholarly articles from HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library that discuss Scots law. Founded in 1934, the Stair Society serves to encourage the study and advance the knowledge of the history of Scots Law by the publication of original documents and by the reprinting and editing of works of sufficient rarity or importance. It is named after Scotland’s greatest jurist, James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount Stair, whose Institutions of the Law of Scotland, first published in 1681, were the foundation of modern Scots law. As part of its aim to further the study of Scots legal history, the Society produces printed and electronic publications, specifically an annual volume along with occasional other publications, which are now available via HeinOnline to the users of the Gelber Library.

History of International Law

This collections includes more than 1,100 titles and 800,000 pages dating back to 1690 on International Law subjects such as War & Peace, the Nuremberg Trials, Law of the Sea, International Arbitration, Hague Conferences and Conventions and inks to scholarly articles from HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library that discuss International Law.

You can access the new collections via the main HeinOnline page.

Electronic McGill Cite Guide, Westlaw Next, and new La Reference

Since this week, we have access to the new platforms with improved user interfaces for the Westlaw Next Canada and La Reference (former DCL/ REJB).

One of the most important new features of the Westlaw Canada Next is the access to an electronic version of the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (8th edition).

All the links in the Law Subject guide and on the Law Library branch page have been updated to lead to the new platforms.

Quelques sources de l’histoire de droit

Bibliographie d’histoire du droit en langue française, la banque de données bibliographique, est proposée par le Centre lorrain d’histoire du droit (C.L.H.D.) de l’Université de Nancy 2.

Portail numérique d’histoire du droit se propose de rassembler et de mettre à la disposition des chercheurs et enseignants en Histoire du droit toutes les informations pratiques, liens utiles et ressources électroniques diverses destinés à faciliter leur travail de recherche et d’enseignement, et d’assurer, autant que possible, la publicité des événements qui s’inscrivent dans le cadre de cette discipline.

Jus Politicum est une revue et une encyclopédie électronique consacrée au droit politique. Ce site se propose d’être un lieu de dialogue entre juristes, philosophes, historiens et politistes, ainsi qu’un point de rencontre entre cultures nationales, comme en témoignent la diversité de ses organes éditoriaux, ainsi que ses trois langues de travail de la revue (français, anglais et allemand).

Clio@Thémis, la revue fondée à l’initiative de plusieurs chercheurs au Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), associant des enseignants-chercheurs des Universités, souhaite contribuer au développement des débats et échanges scientifiques sur l’histoire du droit. Nomôdos est le blog d’actualités de Clio@Thémis, e-revue d’histoire du droit. 

Le portail Fontes Historiae Iuris contient les inventaires et analyses d’archives des cours de justice françaises et européennes d’Ancien Régime et les ouvrages numérisés en histoire du droit et de la justice. Les ouvrages sont classés selon la typologie des sources du droit (Législation, Doctrine, Coutumiers, Recueils d’arrêts, Dictionnaires, Encyclopédies et Lexicographies).

Essentiels du droit français donnent accès à une sélection de titres fondamentaux numérisés à partir des collections patrimoniales de la BnF et consultables dans Gallica. Le corpus est structuré par type de sources du droit correspondant aux axes de la politique documentaire de numérisation en sciences juridiques de la BnF : sources constitutionnelles, sources législatives et réglementaires, jurisprudence, doctrine, sources du droit coutumier et du droit local.

Gallica est la bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. En libre accès, elle regroupe des livres numérisés, des cartulaires, des revues, des photos et une collection d’enluminures.

HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.

Bill 52, An Act respecting end-of-life care

Yesterday, Quebec has become the first province to legalise doctor-assisted death as part of comprehensive end-of-life legislation. Bill 52, An Act respecting end-of-life care, received broad support from nearly 80 per cent of MNAs of the National Assembly. If you are interested in learning more about the legal and ethical issues of euthanasia and the state of right-to-die legislation at different jurisdictions, the McGill Library offers a wide range of publications on the subject.

Changes in Access to Electronic Resources

The McGill Library is making important changes in the access to electronic resources.

On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, the electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, databases, open access resources) will be removed from the Classic Catalogue.

  • The Classic Catalogue will continue to contain all the items in our local collections, including print books and journals, DVDs, microform, etc.
  • E-resources will be removed from the following sub-catalogues: full, audio-visual and journal titles
  • The McGill Theses sub-catalogue will not be affected by this change, and will still contain both print and electronic materials.
  • eExams will not be affected by this change, and will continue to be available as they were before.
  • Course Reserves will still display e-resources on reserve for McGill courses.
  • You can continue to access all our e-resources through WorldCat.

On Monday, June 9, 2014 the eResearch Gateway will be taken off-line.

  • The eResearch Gateway was an alternate way of searching for articles, databases, and other electronic resources. This functionality is now provided for the most part by WorldCat and the Library’s subject guides.
  • The Law Subject guide includes all the legal databases to which the McGill Library is currently subscribing.
  • If you have used saved articles using the My Research feature, you’ll need to export those article references before June 9. You can find more information about how to export the articles here.

In June, our link old resolver (“Find It”) will be migrated to OCLC’s WorldCat Link Resolver service.

  • For the most part, the change in link resolver will happen automatically and will not require any intervention on your part.
  • If you use Google Scholar to search for articles, you will need to configure it to use the new WorldCat Link Resolver to access articles that are available through the Library. You can find the information about configuring the Google Scholar here.

If you have any questions regarding upcoming changes, please do not hesitate to contact any of the liaison librarians for Law.

Air & Space Research: Marketline Advantage database

Marketline Advantage database provides access to case studies, company news, and company reports that contain market size, value, segmentation, shares, leading companies, forecast for each industry, including Aerospace and Defence. For the Aerospace and Defence industry, users can search and browse documents subdivided by subject categories, such as Aerospace Products and Parts Manufacturing, Space Programmes, Vehicle and Aircraft Electronics, etc.

To access the database, go: Law subject guide / Foreign legislation and cases / Air & Space.

Parliament’s Historical Debates Available Online

The Library of Parliament, in collaboration with, is launching its Historical Debates of the Parliament of Canada digital portal.  The portal provides free public access to digital versions of the historical debates of the Parliament of Canada in both official languages.  It includes all published debates of both the Senate and the House of Commons from Parliament 1, Session 1 until coverage provided on the Parliament of Canada page.

Dot or no dot (while citing codes) that is the question

According to the questions that we received at the reference desk recently, there seems to be quite a confusion if a period (full stop/ dot) should be used at the end of the footnote when you are referring to a code. I contacted the editor of the Cite Guide, Alexander Max Jarvie, who kindly provided this clarification that I am sharing with you:

“The period that appears at the end of examples provided elsewhere in the Legislation section is intended as an indication of the terminal period for the entire citation. Although we have removed most periods from citation forms in the 7th edition, a citation footnote is still a sentence and as such punctuation is used in normal fashion. Hence, if the citation to a codal article is the last (or the only) source to be referenced within a particular footnote, a period would follow. To illustrate these rules in practice, I have provided examples below:
2 Art 1214 CCQ.
Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11.
35 See Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c 11; see also art 1214 CCQ.”